Living Democracy

Living Democracy is a scrollytelling website about three working-class children in the 1920s who take part in a children's republic. The project was developed as part of a Coding da Vinci Scholarship 2020.

Living Democracy accompanies three children from the working class towards the end of the 1920s on their way to a children’s republic - a socialist tent camp.

Realized as a scrollytelling website, with Living Democracy we accompany Anna, Karl and Gerda on their journey to a tent camp run by the social democratic organization Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft der Kinderfreunde. In this so-called children’s republic, they experience many exciting things and learn about democracy through their own actions.

The story of the three children is told through many small animated films, mini-games and soundscapes that bring to life everyday life in a children’s republic as a place of democratic education for children and young people in the Weimar Republic.

Living Democracy

Living Democracy was developed as part of the Coding da Vinci Westfalen-Ruhrgebiet 2019 cultural hackathon. The project is based on photos and material from the Archiv der Arbeiterjugendbewegung (Archive of the Workers’ Youth Movement) in Oer-Erkenschwick. In 2020, we supplemented and expanded the project for the purposes of the archive as part of a Coding da Vinci grant.

Click here to visit Living Democracy. 🔗

You can find the repository on Github. 🔗

Living Democracy is currently available in German and English.

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